Enteral Phase
L1 entering columnar epithelium SEM. Courtesy K. Wright
Adult Female
Adult Female
Schematic of female worm anatomy
Adult Female in situ in SI. TEM. E, esophagous; HGC, hypodermal gland cell; L, lumen; CEC, columnar epithelial cell. Courtesy K. Wright
Adult Female with eggs
Adult female, high magnification. Note newborn larvae.
Adult Female with newborn larvae
Newborn larvae
Newborn larva, high magnification
Adult Male
Schematic of male worm anatomy
L1 6 hr SEM
L2 13 hr SEM
L2 17 hr SEM
L4 Male SEM
L4-adult molt SEM
Adult Male SEM
Adult Male SEM
Adult Male with extruded copulatory bell SEM
Adult Male with extruded copulatory bell, high magnification SEM
Adult Female stichosome
Adult Female stichocyte TEM
Adult Female stichocyte, high magnficiation TEM
Adult Female stichocyte, higher magnification TEM
Adult Female stichocyte, higher magnification TEM
Adult Female pair of hypodermal gland cells TEM
Adult Female hypodermal gland cell, highest magnification TEM